Sunday 18 September 2022


What is Debate? 

A debate is a kind of contest or competition where 2 or more participants present their views. It is being conducted within an education, social, political or religious environment. The topic around which the debate is being conducted, it will essentially have 2 aspects positive and negative – Affirmative or in rejection of the matter. Some people will speak in favor of the topic, some may speak against it. It will have a proper conclusion from both the parties.

 What is Group Discussion? 

Group discussion happens within a group of people. The Number may vary from 6 to 8 people. It is a conversation where more than one person puts their views and thoughts on a particular topic or subject. It is a verbal presentation of a certain topic by the participants.

Group discussion can also be termed as a method to test your communication and convincing skills. Your views required to be heard by the other members of that group. 

A Group discussion may or may not have a conclusion point but you need to ensure that your ideas, thoughts, and viewpoints are at least acknowledged by the other participants.

How is Group Discussion Different from a Debate? 

In a group discussion, there are many people collectively put in their thoughts, people can interrupt in between to put forward their views, whereas in a debate a set amount of time is given to the candidate to express his/her views. In both the ways, there is an inherent need to prove the other person wrong and themselves right. Group Discussion is an argument wherein you have to prove your point right and add weightage through data, facts, and statistics.

A very critical difference between a group discussion and debate is that in debate there is a set topic around which your statements should revolve, whereas, in a group discussion, the arguments may take different flow and can lead to another view or thoughts in between. There is a chance of refining your own views in due course.

How group discussions assess you? (for those answering entrance exams and job interviews)

Written tests are meant to review your analytical skill, your mental aptitude, your memorizing power whereas Group discussion evaluates your body language, verbal communications skills, your confidence, your knowledge of the given topic, listening ability, your logical behavior, etc. Hence, it becomes extremely important to prepare for the same before you appear for the actual group discussion. Since GD has its own time limitations, you also have to take care of the time within which you need to express your opinions. Time Management plays an important role here which is also being assessed through a group discussion.

What to keep in mind during a Group Discussion

In a Group discussion, it is important to take charge of the argument right at the opening itself. This demonstrates your leadership quality and ability to lead from the front. Throughout the discussion, you also need to listen attentively to the other participants. It will help you to move the flow of the topic to your direction. During the arguments, give valid and logical points in support of your views, so that others are forced to believe in what you are saying.

You also need to intervene when other participants are eating too much of time and dragging over a topic for too long as there will always be a time limitation within which you need to shine out. Soft skills like alertness and presence of mind play a very vital role here. While preparing for a group discussion, you have to work more on your soft skills, such as your communication, listening skills, and overall body language. Sometimes when the matter heats up, people tend to become aggressive, this is the time when you need to keep calm and transfer the flow of topic to your advantage. But this needs to be practiced well.

Other than this you also should learn how to articulate your communication in short, simple and precise manner. Good verbal communication skills would certainly make sure that your point is put forward, but if you take much time to keep your point, the chance and time might get snatched by other candidates, who are just finding a chance to grab this opportunity. So, you need to learn to speak many views using minimum possible words. Learn and pick up good phrases, idioms, and examples which will make the other person visualize things.

Remain Polite: Sometimes, people tend to lose temper during a discussion particularly when they are losing the argument. They tend to become aggressive in their tone and action, which should completely be avoided during a Group Discussion. You need to ensure that you are polite and courteous to other throughout the discussion. It is quite natural that you may differ to some point of others, to which you can politely disagree on the points put forward. There is no need to be hostile or violent in between. It may go against your candidature.

Remain On Track: During a Group discussion, sometimes, people deviate from the topic and go to a direction which is far away from the main topic. This is the time when you can take the lead and make the other people in the group remind that you need to collectively come to a concluding point in spite of distracting the topic.

Positive Approach: Remember that the participants in this group are not your personal enemy. Of course, they are your competitor, and you might call them opponent, but it is essential that you maintain a positive frame of work during the discussion. Else you might diverge from the topic and lose your focus.

Innovative Thinking: Last but not the least; you should have some out of the box thinking while appearing for a group discussion. People along with the panel might get impressed with some fresh, innovative thoughts on a particular topic. Creative thinking mirrors your different perspective of looking at things. This gives a new outlook to a certain subject and this way you might be able to find a better solution to some practical issues as well.


Elocution is the study of formal speaking in pronunciation, grammar, style, and tone as well as the idea and practice of effective speech and its forms. It stems from the idea that while communication is symbolic, sounds are final and compelling.

Principles of Elocution

I. Articulation
II. Inflections
III. Accent and Emphasis
IV. Instructions for Reading Verse
V. The Voice
VI. Gesture


Voice-over (also known as off-camera or off-stage commentary) is a production technique where a voice—that is not part of the narrative (non-diegetic)—is used in a radio, television production, filmmaking, theatre, or other presentations.
The voice-over is read from a script and may be spoken by someone who appears elsewhere in the production or by a specialist voice actor
Synchronous dialogue, where the voice-over is narrating the action that is taking place at the same time, remains the most common technique in voice-overs. Asynchronous, however, is also used in cinema. It is usually prerecorded and placed over the top of a film or video and commonly used in documentaries  or news reports to explain information.

Voice-overs are used in video games and on-hold  messages, as well as for announcements and information at events and tourist destinations. It may also be read live for events such as award presentations. 
Voice-over is added in addition to any existing dialogue and is not to be confused with voice acting or the process of replacing dialogue with a translated version, the latter of which is called dubbing or revoicing.

Character device - Charactering techniques in voice-overs are used to give personalities and voice to fictional characters.

Creative device - In film, the filmmaker distributes the sound of a human voice (or voices) over images shown on the screen that may or may not be related to the words that are being spoken. Consequently, voice-overs are sometimes used to create ironic counterpoint. Also, sometimes they can be random voices not directly connected to the people seen on the screen. In works of fiction, the voice-over is often by a character reflecting on his or her past, or by a person external to the story who usually has a more complete knowledge of the events in the film than the other characters.

Voice-overs are often used to create the effect of storytelling by a character/omniscient narrator. voice-over can be used to aid continuity in edited versions of films, in order for the audience to gain a better understanding of what has gone on between scenes.

Educational device - The voice-over has many applications in non-fiction as well. Television news is often presented as a series of video clips of newsworthy events, with voice-over by the reporters describing the significance of the scenes being presented; these are interspersed with straight video of the news anchors describing stories for which video is not shown.

Commercial Device - The commercial use of voice-over in television advertising has been popular since the beginning of radio broadcasting.

In the early years, before effective sound recording and mixing, announcements were produced "live" and at-once in a studio with the entire cast, crew and, usually, orchestra. A corporate sponsor hired a producer, who hired writers and voice actors to perform comedy or drama.

Manufacturers will often use a distinctive voice to help them with brand messaging, often retaining talent to a long-term exclusive contract.

Translation - In some countries, voice-over provided by an artist is commonly used on television programs as a language localization technique, as an alternative to full dub localization.


 Panel discussions are the hallmark of modern conferences and events, even virtual ones. The purpose of a panel discussion is to spark conversation between a group of experts or industry and thought leaders, so that the audience can learn from their discourse and interaction. 
The panel discussion format is usually the same: a few subject matter experts gather on stage or in front of the camera to discuss a specific topic and offer differing perspectives. The panellists share facts or personal experiences, express opinions, and answer audience questions. There is always a moderator to keep the momentum going, facilitate the discussion, and manage questions from the audience. 
But depending on how they’re executed, panel discussions can be memorable and engaging, or boring and unremarkable. 
Ideally, a panel discussion should: 
  • Be thought-provoking and insightful
  • Present diverse perspectives on an issue
  • Educate, inspire, and spark the audience’s curiosity
Most importantly, a panel discussion should NOT be: 
  • A series of presentations by the panellists
  • Just a Q&A session with the audience 
  • A repetition of the same points from different panellists 
  • An unstructured discussion that careens off topic
How to run a successful panel discussion
 According to the Stanford Business School, “the best panel discussions are customised, concrete, and connected”, and all these factors hinge on strong preparation.
Here’s what you can do to ensure your panel discussions live up to their potential: 
1. Pin down your purpose
Everything stems from your purpose. Ask yourself what value you’re trying to create or what goal you hope to achieve with your panel discussion. 
Your purpose could be anything from exploring differences in opinions and bringing a diversity of perspectives to the table, to showcasing the benefits of a product or service, to providing updates on the latest industry trends. It can even be to provide some entertainment or showcase your brand’s personality. 
Once you have your purpose, you’ll be able to determine the format and tone of the panel discussion. Is it more casual and entertaining like a relaxed chat, or more sober like an industry debate? 
Pinning down your purpose requires that you know your audience. What topics do they care about? What biases or assumptions might they have? What are their biggest concerns or challenges at the moment? 
Only by knowing your audience can you tailor the content of your panel discussion – and, by extension, your event – to fit their needs. 
2. Choose the right panellists
Based on the topic of your panel discussion, choose your speakers such that they’ll be able to cover diverse angles and offer unique perspectives – if your speakers are too similar in profile and experiences, it’s unlikely the conversation will be very interesting to listen to. 
Be sure to research your panellists to ensure they have the right expertise to be contributing to your panel discussion topic. You can even check out their past speaking engagements to see if they have the personality and confidence to capture the audience’s attention. 
The ideal number of panellists is between 3 to 5. Too few, and the discussion may as well just be an interview. Too many, and to dialogue could become too cumbersome to manage. 
3. Prep your panellists
Successful panels discussions seem free-form and effortless, but there’s actually a lot of prep work that goes into them.
In addition to giving panellists the discussion questions beforehand, another key thing you can do as an event planner is to inform them on the audience. Beyond the basic like ages and jobs, panellists would benefit from audience information like:
  • What are their biggest pain points and challenges right now?
  • What do they hope to gain from listening to the discussion?
  • What actionable insights can they benefit from?
Collect this information by crowd-sourcing it before the event itself – use an online question collecting tool (like ours!) to ask your audience what they’d like answered during the panel and incorporate them into the discussion.
With more audience information, panellists will be able to use the right use cases or anecdotes to tailor their answers for maximum relatability, impact, and resonance.
4. Have a strong moderator 
Moderators play a significant role in the success of a panel discussion. A good moderator can elevate a simple sharing session to an active and fascinating dialogue. A bad moderator can turn an otherwise engaging conversation into a snooze fest. 
Moderators fulfil a multitude of purposes, including: 
  • Managing the time and keeping the conversation moving forward 
  • Preventing any one or two panellists from dominating the discussion 
  • Steering panellists in the right direction and reigning things in if the discussion gets too off topic
  • Clarifying jargon, terminology, and concepts that the audience may not be familiar with
  • Paraphrasing or bridging concepts to highlight key takeaways and help the audience connect with the conversation on stage 
  • Facilitating Q&A sessions
The qualities of a great moderator include proactiveness, good listening skills, and clarity. 
5. Engage the audience
The best panel discussions are audience-focused. In addition to asking panellists to make their information more relatable, event planners should also find ways to get audiences to participate in the discussion, whether that’s through live polls or Q&A.
One simple but impactful thing you can do is to open with a poll to set context for the discussion—if your panel is about SEO tools, you can run a multiple-choice poll (with real-time results) at the start to see how many people in the audience currently pay or would pay for SEO tools, and then use that as a jumping-off point for the panellists to comment on.
There are lots of other ways to use live polls to drive audience interaction at your next panel discussion, including breaking the ice, gathering sentiment, or crowdsourcing key takeaways. But running an engaging panel discussion gets trickier for larger audiences, and the traditional who-raises-their-hands-first way of collecting and addressing questions simply isn’t the best way to stimulate meaningful discussion.
A more effective way to get your audience to participate is to have them submit questions through a Q&A platform, and have the rest of the audience vote on which questions they want answered. Having the audience submit their questions digitally also helps combat the “shy audience” problem, creates a more seamless audience experience, and increases engagement.
Panel discussions are very useful for providing a variety of viewpoints through lively discourse, and are a great complement to keynotes and other presentation-based sessions at events. But if event planners want to make the most of them, they’ll need to ensure there is a clear purpose and outline for the discussion, that their panellists have been properly prepped, and that the audience stays connected to the conversation.


 Storytelling is a two-way interaction, written or oral, between someone telling a story and one or more listeners. It is a well-known and powerful means of communicating messages and engaging audiences
 Successful communication is more than conveying information; it is about engaging your audience. 
As public relations and marketing professionals, we understand and know that successful communication is the act of striking an emotional chord, one powerful enough to compel your listeners to action. The most effective way to engage an audience is with storytelling: in fact, human brains are specifically wired for them.

So how do we create the narrative to form a compelling story? One factor we must remember is that stories not only let us consume information, they allow us to experience information, and experiences are deeply tied to emotion. Humans have been telling stories for thousands of years and do so every day. But how do you form a story to specifically serve business needs? Here are some important tips:

  • Have a problem, and a resolution – What was the setback? Who is the hero of your story and why? What was the driving vision and the proactive action? A good point of resolution will satisfy your audience and amplify your message.
  • Don’t be afraid of emotions – Emotions are what make a story powerful. Use descriptive vocabulary so that your listeners can “see” what you are talking about. For example, rather than simply talking about “clients” describe the people involved, what were their challenges and personal benefits?
  • Keep it simple – Storytelling for business is different than writing a novel. You don’t need plot twists. The most important thing is to keep it simple yet relatable. Talk about the problem and the solution, and how you can get the client there.
  • Make it relatable – As human beings, we engage more when we can relate. When telling your story, talk about how the challenge personally changed your way of thinking or shaped the outcome. Chances are your audience will be able to relate to the challenges, after all, every business experiences them. By making the story relatable, you are allowing your audience to make the story about them.
Storytelling is a powerful tool in the hands of an astute communications professional. It builds trust with the audience – primarily because it involves putting the audience first. A strong brand relies on the narrative of a story. It is up to you to craft that narrative.

Saturday 17 September 2022


Skits / Plays or Role Plays take place between two or more people, who act out roles to explore a particular scenario.

It's most useful to help you or your team prepare for unfamiliar or difficult situations. For example, you can use it to practice sales meetings, interviews, presentations, or emotionally difficult conversations, such as when you're resolving conflict.

By acting scenarios like these out, you can explore how other people are likely to respond to different approaches; and you can get a feel for approaches that are likely to work, and for those that might be counter-productive. You can also get a sense of what other people are likely to be thinking and feeling in the situation.

Also, by preparing for a situation using skits or role-play, you build up experience and self-confidence with handling the situation in real life, and you can develop quick and instinctively correct reactions to situations. This means that you'll react effectively as situations evolve, rather than making mistakes or becoming overwhelmed by events.

You can also use skits or plays to spark brainstorming sessions, to improve communication between team members, and to see problems or situations from different perspectives.

How to use Skits or Plays

It is easy to set up and run a skit / play session. It will help to follow the five steps below.

1. Identify the situation: To start, gather people together, introduce the problem, and encourage an open discussion to uncover all of the relevant issues. This will help people to start thinking about the problem before the skit-play begins.

If you're in a group and people are unfamiliar with each other, consider doing some icebreaker exercises beforehand.

2 Add Details: Next, set up a scenario in enough detail for it to feel "real." Make sure that everyone is clear about the problem that you're trying to work through, and that they know what you want to achieve by the end of the session.

3. Assign Roles:Once you've set the scene, identify the various fictional characters involved in the scenario. Some of these may be people who have to deal with the situation when it actually happens (for example, salespeople). Others will represent people who are supportive or hostile, depending on the scenario (for example, an angry client).

Once you've identified these roles, allocate them to the people involved in your exercise; they should use their imagination to put themselves inside the minds of the people that they're representing. This involves trying to understand their perspectives, goals, motivations, and feelings when they enter the situation. 

4. Act out the scenario: Each person can then assume their role, and act out the situation, trying different approaches where necessary. It can be useful if the scenarios build up in intensity. For instance, if the aim of your role-play is to practice a sales meeting, the person playing the role of the potential client could start as an ideal client, and, through a series of scenarios, could become increasingly hostile and difficult. You could then test and practice different approaches for handling situations, so that you can give participants experience in handling them.

5. Discuss what you have learned:  When you finish the role-play, discuss what you've learned, so that you or the people involved can learn from the experience.

For example, if you're using it as part of a training exercise, you could lead a discussion on the scenarios you have explored, and ask for written summaries of observations and conclusions from everyone who was involved.

Some people feel threatened or nervous when asked to role-play, because it involves acting. This can make them feel silly, or that they've been put on the spot. To make role-playing less threatening, start with a demonstration. Hand two "actors" a prepared script, give them a few minutes to prepare, and have them act out the role-play in front of the rest of the group. This approach is more likely to succeed if you choose two outgoing people, or if you're one of the actors in the demonstration.

Another technique for helping people feel more comfortable is to allow them to coach you during the demonstration. For instance, if you're playing the role of a customer service representative who's dealing with an angry customer, people could suggest what you should do to make things right.


 Public speaking is important in education, business, and the public arena. There are many benefits to speaking in public whether you're an individual or as a part of business.

What is public speaking? 
Public speaking is a presentation that's given live before an audience. 
Public speeches can cover a wide variety of different topics. The goal of the speech may be to educate, entertain, or influence the listeners. Often, visual aids in the form of an electronic slideshow are used to supplement the speech. This makes it more interesting to the listeners.

A public speaking presentation is different from an online presentation. An online presentation is available any time. A public speech is typically limited to a specific time or place. Online presentations often use slideshows. Or they use pre-recorded videos of a speaker. This includes recordings of a live public speaking presentation.

If you ask most people, they'll probably say they don't like public speech. They may even admit to being afraid of it since fear of public speaking is a very common fear. Or they may just be shy or introverted. For those reasons, many people avoid speaking in public if they can. However, if you learn how and practice you too can be a public speaker.

Importance of Public Speaking
Over the years, public speaking in communication has played a major role in education, government, and business. Words have the power to inform, persuade, educate, and even entertain. And the spoken word can be even more powerful than the written word in the hands of the right speaker.
Whether you're a small business owner,  or a student, you'll benefit from improving your public speaking skills. 
Some benefits to speaking in public include:

  • improves confidence 
  • better research skills
  • stronger deductive skills
  • ability to advocate for causes
  • and more

Speaking in public is especially important for businesses to market their offers. This allows them to get their message in front of potential customers. Sales people and executives are often expected to have good public speaking skills. 

To help you become better at giving public speeches, we'll take a look at these five areas:

  1. writing the speech
  2. overcoming a fear of speaking
  3. practicing the speech
  4. preparing your presentation slide designs
  5. giving the speech

1. Writing the speech: The first thing you'll want to do is work on writing a well-organized, engaging speech. Because even a great speaking voice or a great deal of charisma isn't enough if your material isn't any good.

2. Overcoming a fear of speaking: Fear of public speaking is very real and can hold you back if you let it. If you don't feel confident when giving your speech, your listeners may pick up on that. This can make your presentation less effective. Fortunately, there are some techniques to help manage the fear of speaking in public. They also help you become more confident.

3. Practicing the speech: Even if you're not afraid of speaking in public, practice helps you give a more effective speech. If you're in a rush, you may be tempted to skip practicing your speech to save time. While skipping practice may seem like a good idea, it's really not.Practicing your speech improves your public presentation skills. It also increases your familiarity with the presentation. As a result, your speech will go smoothly.

4. Preparing your presentation: Make sure your presentation slides look presentable and easy to read. 

5. Giving the speech: You've written a good speech. You feel more confident about giving a speech in public, and you've practiced. You're ready to actually give the speech. 

Tuesday 13 September 2022


 A person who comperes or anchors the show is called an anchor or compere or emcee or announcer or microphone controller. 

The role of an anchor is to give the audience an idea of the program ahead and keep them engaged and aware of the next program

An anchor should exhibit spontaneity, originality and genuineness.

Anchoring an Event is a big responsibility. There are certain qualities that make an anchor unique from his/her contemporaries like, fluency in language, clarity, humor, confidence, and vast knowledge of surroundings. 

An anchor must be precise and to the point in his/her view. Confidence is the most prestigious key to lead the show successfully. 

25 Tips For Anchoring an Event

  1. Always start off with a smile.
  2. A power start: It’s a good idea to start your opening with powerful influencing words.
  3. Gratitude is always the best place to begin. (Thanks, appreciation, acknowledgment, recognition, respect, etc.)
  4. Connect with the audience.
  5. Being prepared is an act of love and intelligence.
  6. Dress appropriately, look good.
  7. Know who you’re talking to.
  8. Tell a personal story.
  9. Words should be clear and distinct.
  10. Breathe steadily and deeply.
  11.  Avoid cold drinks or spicy food before/during your time on stage
  12. Never, ever admit to fatigue like tiredness, illness, etc.
  13. Be very particular about your body language and expressions. Too much movement of your hands while speaking or constantly shifting to and fro your position is to be avoided.
  14.  Stay in the lead as long as you’re on stage.
  15.  Go amid the audience: Yes! That would be an excellent way not only to connect with the audience but also you will make a mark for yourself.
  16.  Presence of mind: The anchor will need to come up for the time lag and instantly come up with ideas to keep the audience engaged.
  17. Believe that people are rooting for you: No one likes to see someone bomb. They really do want you to win.
  18.  Be short but effective.
  19.  Uniform eye contact: The anchor is the master of the stage. When you speak, you’re addressing each and everyone present before you.  Do not look only in a particular direction, or towards a few selected people.
  20.  Take the help of a person for proper coordination.
  21.  Innovation is welcome! Instead of a regular, typical flow of events, a twist in the tale never fails to win hearts. You could even break into a song or dance, mimic a celebrity, the list is endless!
  22.  Always write up some backup lines in case there is someone new or uninvited.
  23.  Working with co-anchors: If you’re hosting with a partner, it is important to work together and agree on a script.
  24.  Stick on your guns in case of any slip-up or fumble.
  25.  All’s well that ends well: A great show needs a great ending. As a traditional concluding speech, you thank the dignitaries first, and then the audiences and wish them a pleasant day.


 Some people are confident speakers while others get nervous when they have to speak before audiences.

In public speaking, when delivering a speech, your confidence is one of the most important things. And a reflection of your confidence is seen through your voice.

To give a successful and worth remembering speech, voice modulation can work wonders. It may be a difficult task but with practice, practice and more practice, you can master it and bring the best out of your speech.

Voice modulation means to control or adjust your voice according to the requirement of your speech. Your pitch, your pace everything should vary according to the requirement of the sentence you speak. If you are happy or sad, one should be able to make it out from your voice else your speech would become dull.


We all happen to get a chance to speak at a family event, in a presentation at office or on the stage sooner or later, so we should be aware of voice modulation techniques.

Voice modulation makes your speech more engaging and interesting for the audience.

An enthusiastic voice depicts your confidence. It helps you convince the people of your point of view. It helps in delivering an effective and impactful message. If you are good at voice modulation, it can open the doors to many professions like marketing, customer relations etc.

If you want to become a master of public speaking, then learning this art is extremely important.


In voice modulation, a technique namely 4 P’s that is Pitch, Power, Pace and Pauses is quite popular. 

Pitch- Your pitch can play a very important role while you deliver your speech. Females usually have a higher pitch as compared to men. When you are delivering your speech, keep your pitch a little low to avoid the shieling voice due to the microphone. Learn how to use a microphone in public speaking.

Power- Speak powerfully, loudly, and clearly but strictly no shouting. It would be even better if you can practice your speech with a microphone before delivering it on the final day. Also, take care of the sound of your breath. It should not suppress your voice.

Pace- Keeping your pace slow will make your talk more understandable and easier to grasp. Your message would be clearer to the audience.

Pauses – Use adequate pauses at appropriate times. Too many or too long pauses may bore the audience. They should be just enough for solving the purpose they are being used for. Pausing will help you catch the attention of your audience. 

Powerful words should be stressed- Try stressing on some powerful words in your speech to make it more impactful. This would draw the immediate attention of the audience towards you and your message would get straight into their mind.

See and learn from others- Watch your favorite public speaker, politician, orator, celebrity, etc. who influences you in public speaking. Watch them again and again and try to grasp what you like best in them. Learn how they do voice modulation and then keep practicing.

In public speaking, your voice is an important tool. Once you master the art of voice modulation, you can connect and convey your message to your audience in a better way. This will give you confidence in yourself and the audience will also have confidence in you.

When practicing your speech, you may record it and listen to it to find out the areas that need to be improved. Keep repeating this till you are satisfied with the voice modulation in it.

Friday 2 September 2022


 What is Satellite Communication?

Satellite communication is the technique of conveying data from one place to another using a communication satellite in the earth’s orbit. 

Watching your favorite movies or TV shows would have been impossible without this. 

A communication satellite is a mock or artificial satellite that is responsible for transmitting a signal using a transponder by creating a channel between the transmitter and the receiver which are located in two entirely different locations on earth. 

Satellite Communication – Advantages

There are numerous Advantages of satellite correspondences, for example, 

Flexibility Ease in putting in new circuits 

Distances are effortlessly taken care of and expense doesn't make a difference 

Broadcasting conceivable outcomes 

Each and  every side of the earth is secured 

Users can control the system 

Energy is conserved since satellites use solar power

Satellite Communication − Disadvantages

 Satellite correspondence has the accompanying disadvantages – 

The introductory costs, for example, the segment and installation costs are excessively high.

Congestion of frequencies. This can cause a disruption of the communication services

Interference and proliferation 

Satellite Communication − Applications 

Satellite correspondence discovers its applications in the accompanying zones – 

In Radio telecom. 

In TV broadcasting, for example, DTH. 

In Internet applications, for example, giving Internet connection for transferring data, GPS applications, Internet surfing, and so on. 

For voice correspondences. 

For innovative work, in numerous regions. 

In military applications and routes. 


Video Communication:

The use of video communication has grown exponentially over the past decade,especially in the business sector. Many companies are using this form of technology to connect employees working in different locations all over the world. That inspires cross collaboration among company workers,which leads to better performance and improved growth. 

A business can also use video communication to establish a real-time connection with clients,suppliers and partners. It's basically something that any business,regardless of its size,should adopt.

What Is Video Communication

Video communication refers to the transmission of information via live video streaming or through video sharing. 
With this form of communication,information senders and recipients are able to interact using both audio and video. In order to establish connection,users might require internet, video communication equipment and/or special software. 
The benefit of using video communication over other forms is that it offers a more real-time and face-to-face on screen interaction. 
With this technology,users can easily connect with family,friends or colleagues from work.

Different Types of Video Communication

1. Video Calling

Video calling refers to a service where two or more people can communicate through video using their phone or PC. Those interacting via this type of call can basically see and hear one another while conversing. Video calling assumes three main forms namely: on-landline network,mobile,and internet.

-On-Landline Network: This mode of video communication can happen between two PC’s using the same internet platform or between PC and landline number. PC to PC communication service is available for free for users of services like Skype and Facebook Messenger. Video calling service is only charged when one uses a PC to place a video call to a mobile or landline number. The charges raised by telecom operators are usually for interconnecting to their network. Hence the users of the network have to be billed for the time they are on call.

-Mobile Network: Video calling is not only limited to computers and landline phones. Today,people can make video calls using 3G and 4G mobile phones. 3G phones use a protocol referred to as H324M,which adopts the Circuit Switched Mode to function. Most 4G mobile devices utilize Packet Switched Mode protocol,which does not limit bandwidth. That makes the video quality of the latter to be of higher quality compared to the former. Most 3G and 4G handsets actually have features that support video calls to any contacts in the phone.

-Internet: Making a video over the internet using this option can either use Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) or H323 protocol. Communication is purely established on the internet. Different hardware and software can be used to connect communicators via a VoIP service. Mobile phone users can also utilize video call apps to interact with friends,family or workmates. Some of the popular mobile apps used to make video calls include FaceTime,Skype,Google Hangouts,WhatsAp and more.

2. Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is a form of communication where two or more people can share a live,visual connection from different locations. Every meeting participant can view other people on a grid with multiple screens simultaneously. Video conferencing is mostly used in business and education sectors to share information with people from multiple locations. But how does this technology work? It's pretty simple. A video stream from each participant is first transmitted to a Multipoint Control Unit (MCU). At the MCU,several streams are selected,combined and sent to all participants as a single audio and video stream. That means all meeting attendees can get live video feeds as if they were interacting with the other participants in the real world.

Video conferencing may also assume a decentralized system,where all meeting attendees can enjoy video communication,without going through the central unit. It's more like each participant calling one another interchangeably. The advantage of using this form of video conferencing is that it guarantees a high-quality video. However,the fact that it uses more bandwidth to provide video streaming means users will spend more on data.

Another type of video communication that has become popular in the market is cloud-based video conferencing. This technology delivers high-quality video when full HD cameras are used in conferencing. One of the unique aspects about cloud video conferencing is that there's no fixed hardware required. Everything is stored in a central location,where access from anywhere can be easier. There are lots of popular cloud video meeting software in the market today,like Webex,Zoom,Bluejeans,ezTalks,etc. Apart from face-to-face communication,the software comes with screen sharing,application sharing,whiteboards as well as meeting recording & playback capabilities.

3. Telepresence

Telepresence is an advanced form of video conferencing that allows for real-life simulation,where participants of a meeting feel as if they were physically talking with one another. Participants can establish eye contact and interact on a personal level. For telepresence to work successfully,users need specially designed cameras and LCD screens. Seating arrangements must also be unique i.e. curved seating where people from both ends of the conference can see each other directly. Sound and visual are transmitted in clear HD format,which makes a meeting sound more lifelike. Telepresence is mostly used by companies to hold corporate meetings with employees or link with clients,suppliers and partners from all over the world.

4. Video Sharing

Most video conferencing technologies offer users the option of sharing videos during presentations. With this feature,meeting participants can be able to view what the presenter has shared in real-time. That’s made possible with the packet data connection which works in line with the voice call. Sharing of videos on this platform is instant and all meeting attendees can see the video files simultaneously.


These are some of the main forms of video communication that can be ideal for individual or business use. Each of them has its own unique benefits but also comes with a set of drawbacks as well. That means one has to consider the strengths of each mode and compare to see whether it matches his/her own communication needs. But what matters is finding a form of video communication that's flexible,reliable and cost-effective. While comparing or shopping around,it might also be important to consider the newest technologies of online communication. That's because they tend to offer high-quality video streaming,seamless video communication and more lifelike face-to-face interaction.


What is an Electronic Communication?
Electronic communication can be defined as, the communication which uses electronic media to transmit the information or message using computers, e-mail, telephone, video calling, FAX machine, etc. This type of communication can be developed by sharing data like images, graphics, sound, pictures, maps, software, and many things.
Because of e-communication, a lot of changes have occurred in work areas, society, etc. Thus, people can simply access global communication with no physical movement. 
Types of Electronic Communication
Electronic communication can be classified into different types like messaging, voice call, e-mail, social media, etc. We know that e-communication has changed due to the way public interact and communicate with each other for different purposes like personal or business. By using this, it is very simple to communicate with the world.
E-Mail or electronic mail is the most used type of electronic communication. By using this communication, one can send a message to another person through a mail immediately. For that, we need to create an account to send an e-mail, media files, photos, documents, etc. This type of communication has replaced many conventional types of communication due to many benefits.
So this type of communication is more suitable for different methods of communication. The benefits of this communication are ease of usage, completely free, etc. Additionally, this type of electronic communication doesn’t affect the surroundings.
This type of communication allows people to interact with others who are far away from us. This is possible only due to technology as well as usage of the internet. There are different types of messengers are available like Skype, Windows Live, Gmail, etc. These messengers help in chatting or sending messages to our beloved ones or friends.
There are many benefits by using this kind of communication like the message which we sent & the response are immediate. But in some cases, some files include nil although bug can stop the functioning of your computer by giving you lots of trouble.

At present, blogging is the most preferable communication method. This is a type of online journaling, which can be updated daily, or many times a day. It covers all the information or a particular topic.
By using such blogs, one can share, follow, or even post comments. This kind of communication is extremely suitable. This is the reason why people utilize blogs very often. Additionally, by using the internet, people can access, read & follow it worldwide.
Video Chat
This type of communication can be done by adding web cameras for video calling application. By using this application, one can communicate with others and also they can observe with whom they are speaking. The webcam can be connected to the computer externally and also we need to use applications like Skype, Hangouts, etc.
There are many benefits to using video chatting. We can contact anybody immediately. We can communicate with more than one person at a time by using the feature like business conference feature. Also, we can share PPTs, data sheets online.

Social Networking
Social media is one kind of communication between people, which is used with their general advantage otherwise for relationships. In this, mostly Facebook, as well as LinkedIn, give places for people to work together, sometimes in real-time. There is a Micro-blogging service namely Twitter, which allows the short message of more than 140 characters to be transmitted to a huge audience.
Not like text messages, it sends to simply tiny groups. The posts like Microblog are intended to be seen by all the followers and users can repost texts that they desire to share with their followers. Therefore, a microblog post can reach rapidly and a viral post is s message which reports widely.

This is a significant device for current electronic communication. This system uses a teleprinter to communicate from one position to another using a machine. It includes mainly two parts like keyboard transmitter as well as a receiver.
Whenever a text is to be sent, then the user presses a push-button, and stays for the call tone, calls the number preferred & enters the massage on a tiny paper strip at the end of receiver end because it is entered within the creating office. This method is the quickest & most exact methods for exchanging written posts.

The Fax machine is a kind of communications and use of this is increasing gradually to transmit materials which are visual like illustrations, diagrams, picture, etc. Here, this machine can be connected using a telephonic.
The transmitted document can be fed throughout the machine, after that it is scanned electronically & signals are broadcasted to the end of receiver wherever an equal document copy is replicated on a plain paper sheet using the receiving machine.
This machine has made it achievable to send important documents copies which include testimonials, certificates, degrees, contracts, agreements from one location to another in a telephone call speed. Because of this reason, it is a commonly used technique for communication.

The multimedia is one kind of communication system and it is an excellent innovation to improve the communication system. This is a blend of several media which bring mutually to transmit messages. The multimedia mainly includes a photo, graphics, voice, music, animation, and message. Whenever all these media are located jointly otherwise computer screen then becomes multimedia. This can be used efficiently for marketing and advertising campaigns. This type of communication is extremely powerful.
Thus electronic communication which include immediate messaging, websites, social networking voicemail, e-mail, and text messaging, has changed the way people communicate with each other and can be used for personal, business communication, etc. By using this, it is extremely simple to communicate with the entire world.