Thursday 15 August 2024


Options Available to Entrepreneurs: Franchising and Outsourcing


Definition: Franchising is a business model where a business owner (franchisor) licenses the rights to their business model, brand, and intellectual property to another individual or entity (franchisee) in exchange for a fee or royalty.

Example: McDonald’s operates through franchising in India, allowing franchisees to run McDonald’s outlets under its established brand and operational model.

Advantages: Provides a lower-risk way for entrepreneurs to start a business, as they benefit from an established brand, business model, and support system.

Disadvantages: Limited control over business operations and a requirement to adhere to the franchisor’s guidelines.


Definition: Outsourcing involves contracting out certain business functions or processes to external service providers, allowing entrepreneurs to focus on their core business activities.

Example: Infosys and TCS provide outsourcing services globally, handling IT functions for companies that choose to focus on their primary business operations.

Advantages: Cost savings, access to specialized expertise, and the ability to scale operations without significant capital investment.

Disadvantages: Potential loss of control over outsourced functions, reliance on external providers, and challenges in ensuring quality. 

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