Monday 16 November 2020


An individual goes through changes all the time – through changes, something remains constant – self. Therefore, a person must understand him/herself and know his/her strengths and weaknesses.

Self is what a person is conscious of. It consists of the qualities that make up the ‘I’ or ‘me’.

Therefore, self is the individual as known to the person him/herself. It is the center of person’s experiences, thoughts, emotions, knowledge, and sentiments.

Self-Image – is a product of our interaction with others. We tend to use others as a looking glass in which we view ourselves.

Self-Concept – of a person consists of everything that he/she knows, believes, and feels about him/herself. It includes his strengths and weaknesses. Thus, self-concept consists of one’s attitude towards ‘I’ and ‘me’.

Self-concept does not indicate what a person really is. It is based on reactions of significant persons towards the individual. For e.g. young children consider parents and teachers as all-knowing authorities. Therefore, their attitude toward themselves is based on how adults judge them. Older children rely on friends, peer groups and people their admire.

Positive self-concept develops through favorable reactions from others.

Negative self-concept develops through unfavorable attitude to us.

For healthy development it is necessary that a person’s self-concept be positive.

Positive self-concept enables a person to:

-          Approach life eagerly

-          To explore new interests

-          To challenge him/herself

-          To lead a happy life

-          Work independently

-          Feel proud of one’s achievements

-          Recover easily from failure

Negative self-concept has the opposite effect. Individuals feel inadequate and refuse to try new tasks. They assume that they are sure to fail.


Development of Positive Self-concept

Focus should be on your strengths and not your weaknesses

Others should be treated as equals irrespective of their status in society. We should not consider others superior to ourselves.

You shouldn’t worry too much about impressing others. They are probably trying to impress you.

Be positive. Master the art of positive thinking.

Accept and appreciate yourself as you are.

If you make mistakes, own them without cursing yourself. After all, no one commits mistakes intentionally.


Positive Self-concept and Success

Successful men and women have a positive attitude. For e.g. Kiran Bedi – India’s first woman IPS Officer who won the 1994 Magsaysay Award, had to face a lot of criticism for her work in improving living conditions in prisons.

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