Thursday 27 February 2020


What is stress?

Stress is a body’s reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response.

It affects an individual’s ability to cope with situations

There are three perspectives to stress – an event, a reaction and a transaction

When we associate stress with an event the event is called a stressor. E.g. divorce, illness

Stress can also be thought of as a reaction to an event. You may respond with ‘fight’ of ‘flight’.

It leads to increased heart rate, tension, high blood sugar, etc.


Relax – Use relaxation techniques like mediation, yoga and deep breathing to activate the body’s relaxation response. If practiced regularly, these activities lead to a reduction in your stress levels. They also boost serenity and joy and increasing one’s ability to stay calm and collected under pressure.

Adopting the right attitude can turn a negative stress into a positive one.

Exercise – Regular physical exertion – a thirty-minute walk, Pilates, free weight work out, swimming – helps build strength, resilience and energy.

Healthy Diet – Eating healthy foods and avoiding sugary and fattening treats helps keep your body in balance.

Socialization and supportive conversations – Sharing your feelings with a trusted friend, family member, mentor, psychotherapy and counseling, can help you feel better and deal with situations better.

Time management – sometimes stress is caused on account of poor management of time / poor organization. Learning how to manage appointments, to say ‘no’ to requests you cannot fulfill, organize records, setting alarms, etc., can help make a difference.

Invest in your emotional health – Most of us tend to ignore our emotional health unless there is a problem. People with good emotional health are able to bounce back from stress and adversity as they are focused and resilient.

Keep a positive attitude – Holding positive thoughts rather than negative thoughts go a long way in maintaining a positive attitude. Think positively about yourself. Surround yourself with positive and inspiring people.

Participate in activities you enjoy – Make time for hobbies and interests. Read a good book / volunteer your services / join a sports team / engage in gardening, etc.

Get enough sleep – Getting 7-8 hours of sleep will enable you to cope with stress and distress. If you are well-rested, you can deal with situations better.

Remember to laugh – Laughter is one of the best medicines. It releases chemicals into the brain that promote relaxation. People who find humor tend to be more productive, live longer and have less physical problems. A good laugh a day keeps stress away.


We see variability in stress among different people at different times. For e.g. slow moving traffic can cause stress if you are getting late for an exam / appointment. However on another day slow moving traffic will not make a difference to you.

The ‘three’ things that help people cope with stress are:

Challenge – see difficulties as an opportunity for change and growth

Control – believe that you can arrange situations to be the master of your life

Commitment – to be engaged with life and its circumstances and not just watch your life go by.

Although each source of stress will evoke specific reactions to it, a general reaction to all stress through the three way to cope with stress will help you in any situation.

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